Sin City Baby Read online
Page 12
As I listened to the guys talk, I couldn’t help but wonder how in the hell any of this had happened. Sure, I had had crushes on all of them for several years now, and sure, I had wanted to be with them all. But for it to have actually happened was something quite different. And the fact that they all wanted me and were ok with me being with all of them, was a shock in and of itself. I wasn’t sure that I could choose just one of them if I had to, and now it didn’t appear as though I was going to have to do that.
But could we really go on like that? Would jealousy rear its ugly head over time? What if they chose to find out which one of them was the baby’s father? Would he stay? Would the rest of them leave? And what about their relationships? And their relationship with their sister? I would never want to be the cause of a rift in their family.
My mind swirled with worry about any and all of the things that could go wrong. Luke looked over at me and seemed to sense my unease. He scooted a little closer and laced his fingers with mine.
“It’s all going to be ok Sam. I promise you,” he said.
His beautiful green eyes and soft smile both settled me and made a heat grown between my legs. What was wrong with me?
I couldn’t seem to control myself around any of them.
I looked up from my desk and watched Lauren walk into my office and shut the door.
“To what do I owe the surprise visit?” I asked.
“Have you guys sorted things out with Sam yet?” she asked.
“Then I guess we can jump right on in. Why do you ask?”
“Stop answering questions with questions, Liam. Is Sam okay with you guys now?”
“Why would you think she isn’t?” I asked.
“I know you guys were practically hanging out with Sam the entire time in Vegas. I know something went on. I know you guys have had the hots for my best friend for years. All of you. I want to know which one of you assholes broke her heart.”
“No one broke anyone’s heart that weekend, Lauren.”
“I’m not an idiot, Liam. One of you—or multiples of you—did something to my best friend. And I’m tired of not having answers. So, talk to me now or none of you will be invited to the wedding.”
“Is the wedding all the leverage you have? Because at this rate, no one will be attending,” I said.
“If that’s a dig at the fact that Sam’s not going, then you’d be wrong. I’ve already talked with her.”
“So, Sam’s back in the wedding?” I asked.
“She is. As my maid of honor. But she’s struggling with a lot right now and I made her a promise that if she didn’t want to see you guys, I would make it possible so she could stand up there with me. But I’d rather have all of this shit resolved before the big day. Are you going to talk to me now about it, or not?”
“What is there to talk about then? Sounds like you have all the answers you seek.”
“Cut the shit, Liam.”
“I would if I knew what you were talking about, Lauren!”
My voice bellowed across my office as I stood from my seat. I didn’t know who my sister thought she was, but she wasn’t strong-arming information out of me. Until Samantha had her head wrapped around things and was ready to confront Lauren herself, we would all make a barricade around her. Myself and the brothers. I didn’t care how many times Lauren stomped her feet. There were more important things than her wedding and balancing the two was becoming incredibly difficult.
But if it meant protecting Samantha from Lauren’s anger until she could best figure out how to broach the situation, my brothers and I would shield her and lie for her until further notice.
“I saw Sam. I know she’s pregnant.”
I furrowed my brow and watched as Lauren swallowed down her tears.
“I have a very faint idea of how all of this is intertwined, and it kills me that none of my own brothers will talk with me. I don’t know what kind of monster you think I am, but right now? Sam comes first. My best friend is struggling. Drowning in the drama of her life that seems to be attacking her from every which direction. Fix your shit with her, or you’re not going to like how my wedding invitation turns out. Because right now? Sam is being more like family than you four are right now.”
“So, that’s it then,” I said calmly. “If we don’t talk, we don’t come. Am I hearing you right?”
“If that’s really all you see in this, then I’m not sure how I can help you,” she said.
“Well, I don’t see it any other way.”
Lauren snickered before she opened my office door. The guys were standing outside, watching with furrowed brows as Lauren walked through all of them. Parted them like an apocalyptic sea. I saw the sadness in her stance. I knew why she was upset. She wanted all of us to be truthful with her. She wanted us to put the missing pieces in place for her. She wanted us to be honest.
But that meant throwing Sam under the bus. And that wasn’t an option. I sighed and raked my hand through my hair, then inched myself back down into my seat.
I eyed my brothers before they all turned and walked away. Then I picked up my cell phone and called Samantha. I closed my eyes and listened to the line ring out, hoping and praying she would pick up.
I smiled at the sound of her voice.
“Your voice sounds stronger today,” I said.
“The nausea isn’t as bad today, so that’s a plus,” Samantha said.
“So, you’re doing good?”
“As good as can be expected.”
“Do you need anything?” I asked.
“Not right now, no,” Samantha said.
“Are you sure?”
“I promise that if I do, you’ll be the first I call.”
“Well don’t tell any of the other guys that,” I said with a grin. “They might get jealous.”
Her giggle fluttered through the phone and brought a smile to my lips. I leaned back into my chair at my desk and closed my eyes. I wanted to cherish this conversation with her. Especially now that she was answering her phone for us.
“Lauren’s worried about you,” I said.
“I know she is,” Samantha said. “She knows I’m pregnant.”
“But she doesn’t know about anything else?”
“Not anything else. But the pregnancy? Yes. She was there when I took all the tests.”
“All of them?”
“It was a whole ordeal. I don’t really want to get into it.”
“She’s worried all of us won’t get along at the wedding. She’s threatened to uninvite myself and the rest of our brothers in favor of you,” I said.
“What?” she asked. “Lauren’s still breathing down your necks?”
“You say that like she stopped.”
Another beautiful giggle accomplished.
“I’ll talk with Lauren. I don’t feel right about all of this anyway. If I’m going to be her maid of honor, it feels wrong to be skirting around and lying to her about things.”
“You know we’ll follow your lead, Sam. I just don’t want to tell Lauren anything unless you’ve had a say in it. Because this affects you as well.”
“I appreciate that. I really do,” she said.
“I’m glad you’re back in the wedding, though. I bet you’ll look spectacular in your dress,” I said.
“Oh, yeah. I’m sure it’ll be wonderful,” she said sarcastically. “But I did find some special suckers to help me through things, so that’s a plus.”
“Oh, that hurts,” I said with a grin.
“No. I meant actual suckers. They help with my nausea.”
“I’m sure that’s exactly what you meant.”
And there it was. Yet another giggle from those beautiful, pillowy lips.
“It’s good to hear you laugh, Samantha.”
“It feels good to be laughing,” she said. “And don’t worry about Lauren.
I’ll talk with her once the time is right. I don’t know what the fallout will be, but I can’t keep carrying this guilt around. I don’t like her not knowing.”
“I know the two of you are close,” I said. “We’re treading lightly until you can have your say.”
“How did I get so lucky with you guys?” she asked.
“I ask myself that question about you every day, Sam. And I can’t wait to see how beautiful you’ll look in your bridesmaid dress.”
“I talked her out of the ruffles, so we’re good to go,” she said. “But I have to get off here. Work still calls.”
“Don’t work yourself too hard, okay? Rest when you need it.”
“I will, Liam. I promise. Talk soon?”
“Oh, I surely hope so,” I said.
I hung up the phone and opened my eyes to find the guys standing around me. I jerked, almost falling out of my fucking chair as Logan and Levi grinned down at me.
“How long have you eavesdroppers been standing there?” I asked.
“Long enough,” Luke said in a mocking tone.
“You’re all assholes,” I said. “All of you. But there’s good news.”
“Sam’s going to the wedding,” Levi said. “Great. That means Lauren can back the fuck off. Who’s calling her to let her know?”
“She already knows,” I said. “Apparently, Lauren was with Sam when she found out she was pregnant.”
“So, Lauren knows about the pregnancy, too? Does she know--?”
“No. Sam told me she doesn’t know about anything else,” I said.
“Lauren left here pretty fucking defeated,” Logan said. “What the hell did you guys talk about?”
“She’s hurt because no one’s telling her the whole truth,” I said. “But Sam told me she would talk with Lauren when the time was right. Sam wants to do it before the wedding, but I’m not sure if it’ll happen that soon.”
“Well, if Lauren knows she’s pregnant, then I don’t feel so stupid asking the question,” Luke said. “But who’s going to look after Sam at the wedding if she starts feeling unwell?”
“Whoever isn’t fucking running around for Lauren,” Levi said.
“If we’re still going to the wedding,” I said.
“The hell does that mean?” Logan asked.
“It means that if Lauren feels our presence at the wedding will affect Sam, we won’t be invited,” I said.
A collective groan trickled amongst my brothers.
“Well, Levi’s in the groomsmen party and Luke’s gonna be running around doing all of Lauren’s bidding. Because you know Sam’s not gonna have the energy for that shit,” Logan said. “The only thing I can think of is that we take turns. Whoever isn’t running around is the one that sticks with Sam.”
“Why am I the one running around again?” Luke asked.
“Because you’re the brother that can’t say ‘no’ to anyone,” Logan said.
“At least we don’t have to argue on who’s taking her,” Levi said, shrugging.
“Her being the maid of honor sort of made that decision for us,” Logan said.
“Let’s not open that can of worms,” I said. “Plus, Sam’s looking forward to dancing with all of us at the reception. She told me so.”
“Don’t let that grin spread too far over your cheeks,” Logan said.
“Yeah. When you smile real big, you look like a caricature,” Luke said.
Our eyes widened as laughter filled the corners of my office.
“Sounds like Luke’s growing a set,” Levi said. “About damn time.”
“So, what do we do if Sam doesn’t talk to Lauren before the wedding and we suddenly aren’t going?” Levi asked.
It was a good question, and one I didn’t know how to answer.
“Sam’s on a good track. She’s opening up. Accepting things. Picking up our phone calls and keeping in touch. I say we continue to take our cues from her,” I said.
“Fuck me, I hate doing that,” Logan said.
“Yes, we all know you like your control,” Levi said. “But this is Sam, and she’s in a delicate fucking place. Suck it up or go stand in a corner.”
“Really?” Luke asked. “Timeout?”
Levi’s face fell, and my shoulders shook with the laughter I bit back. I knew taking a backseat wasn’t something my brothers did well. After all, we didn’t build our business by taking a backseat. We all ruled the areas of the company we had our hands in and we all had the last word on any projects we decided to take on. But Sam was different. Sam wasn’t a project. She wasn’t a business. She was a headstrong woman whose life was in a tailspin, and she was slowly trying to sift through things herself. And if we wanted to be the men she needed, then we had to make ourselves available without encroaching on her independent territory.
And I was going to make damn sure my brothers stuck with that rule.
I almost never cussed, but this day was getting old. I was trying to crunch numbers and look through our old contracts with a client to figure out why in the world they were trying to sue us. If I couldn't come to a conclusion on their finances, there was a chance the company was looking at a lawsuit. They claimed the price we quoted them was not only unfair but way above market pricing. My response was “probably” because we charge a premium price for a premium service. So then, their rebuttal was that they didn’t get a premium product and were looking to sue for the return of all their money.
Plus heartache.
I needed a drink.
“Hey, Luke?”
“What?” I asked.
“Whoa. Did your office explode?” Liam asked as he walked in.
“If you don’t automate and make our paperwork system electronic in the next four fucking months, I quit.”
“Yikes. What’s got you riled up?” he asked.
“Don’t worry,” I said gritting my teeth. “I’ll fix it.”
“You sound like you could use a drink. Want to cut out early and grab one with me?”
That caught my attention.
I locked my office, resolving myself to a drink with my brother. I needed a break from the drama of the company anyway. Between the lawsuit and everything kicking up with Sam, it was getting to me. My feels for her were growing. My want to reach out to her and talk with her mounted every single day. I knew she needed space sometimes and I knew she wanted to be in control of her circumstance, but she had all of us to help her. She had me to help her.
And I wanted to help.
I also didn’t want the company being sued for its livelihood.
“I talked to Samantha again today,” Liam said.
“How’s she doing?” I asked.
“Good. Tired. Getting settled back at home.”
“I’m really glad she decided to come back. I don’t know why she stayed as long as she did,” I said.
Liam shrugged. “I guess she was hoping that just this once, her parents would actually be parents who gave a shit about what their daughter was going through. I feel bad for her. Can you imagine mom and dad doing anything like that to us if they were still here?” Liam asked.
“No. Not at all. I really miss them sometimes,” I told him.
“Me too,” Liam agreed.
“Have any of the other guys talked with her?” I asked as we walked in.
“No one else has said anything and she didn’t tell me if she’d talked with any of you. Have you tried calling her?”
“I try to keep a balance between wanting to talk to her every second and giving her the space she needs.”
“Trust me, I think we’re all trying to find that balance,” he said.
We sat at the bar and ordered a round of beers. Liam kept talking my ear off about idiotic clients, but the last thing I wanted to do was talk about work. I wanted to talk to Sam. I wanted to hear her voice and make sure she was really ok. I wanted to let her know that I was there if she needed anything at
all, for her or for the baby. I couldn’t help but secretly hope that the kid was mine, though I’d probably never know. We’d all kind of agreed to keep it a secret and just love it and Sam as best as we all could.
“Earth to Luke. You there?” Liam asked.
“Sorry. What were you saying?”
“Apparently nothing important. What’s on your mind?” he asked.
I finished off my fourth beer and motioned for another one.
“Good thing I drove,” Liam said, pointing at my bottle.
“You know, we’ve all got this—thing happening with Sam. But we’ve never really defined it.”
“You want to define it?” he asked.
“I mean, we say we care about her, but what does that really mean? Are we her friends? Her best buds? Her entourage?”
“I don’t think we’re an entourage,” he said with a chuckle.
“Then what are we? And if I’m thinking these things, I wonder if she is,” I said.
“What do you want to be to Sam?” Liam asked, pinning me with his gaze.
I put my fifth beer to my lips and chugged before the courage finally flooded my veins.
“I love her, Liam. I’ve loved her for a very long time. Watching her go through this, it tears me apart. I want to give her everything. I want to fix everything. The thing with her parents. This thing with the divorce. The baby. I want to be there, and it takes all I’ve got not to pick up the phone every morning and every night to call and see how she’s doing. Because no one will talk. We all just… dance around the damn topic.”
“I know,” he said.
“Which part?” I asked.
“All of it,” he said. “I know you love Samantha. I also know you don’t want to admit it because you know we all feel the same way about her as well.”
“We can’t all love her though, right?” I asked.
“Why not?”
“Because how would that even work?”
“Things are complicated, yes. But this isn’t about us right now. It’s about Samantha and the baby. She’s going through a hell of a time, and the last thing she needs is someone breathing down her neck about defining whatever all this is. She knows you care for her. Let that be enough for now until she can get her head on straight again.”