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Rock Hard Fake Groom: A Single Dad Fake Marriage Romance Read online

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  I went to the peg where my jacket hung and tucked the letter into the inside pocket. After feeling my phone, I took it out to glance at the time. Tani’s sweet little face flashed across the screen as it lit to life, so on a whim I grabbed my jacket and shrugged it on.

  It was still a bit early to close shop, but I grabbed my keys and bee-lined for my bike. If I timed things right I could get to my Mother’s as soon as she returned from picking up Tani from school. With the mood I was in, all I wanted was to know my daughter was safe. I needed to figure out what I could do to stop Nancy from ruining my girl’s life by taking custody—only to have a one-up on me. Of course, it had zero shits to do with a sincere concern for her daughter. I wanted Tani to have a relationship with her mother. A girl needs a mother figure in her life, but somehow Nancy always fucked things up. It was a sad reality, but Nancy was an alcoholic and her main priority was getting her fix, beyond anything or anyone else.

  Before I could crank my bike, I spied a fit brunette washing the windows out front at the bakery. She was dressed in tight jeans, black boots, and a fitted top that showed off her rack. I watched a minute while she bent over her bucket of water and dipped her sponge. Nice. Now, that, I can live with. I wondered if she was the owner or hanging around to help out. Guess I’d know soon enough.

  Seeing the letter sticking up from my jacket pocket brought things back into perspective. I revved my bike and sped out of the lot, determined that nothing would come between me and my little girl.


  The hot water from my morning shower couldn’t wash away my foul Monday morning mood, which started with that damned letter and gotten worse through the weekend. At least I’d gotten my plans made for Tani and was thankful for my mother offering to help.

  To top that, Monk was a solid guy and a good friend. He would have to run the shop alone as well as take on some of my work, and I’d definitely owe him one. Even if he didn’t expect me to repay the favor, I didn’t like to leave a good deed unnoticed.

  I dried off and dressed while Tani slept and then I went to wake her. I found her curled up in a ball at the foot of her bed, her curly blond hair was a mess, and her hands tucked beneath her chin. I gave her a nudge and she wiggled away knowing I was there to ruin her dreams.

  “Time to wake up, kiddo. Daddy’s got to get in early today. Uncle Monk’s waiting and you know how cranky he gets.”

  She rolled over and yawned then grumbled something inaudible before heading to the bathroom. She might have her mother’s blond curls but her attitude was all me. She hated mornings as much as I did and it usually took her a good hour to become her usual chipper self.

  I had her toast and oatmeal ready just the way she liked it when she came in dressed in her favorite pink kitten shirt and climbed up in her chair. “Is Nana picking me up again today?”

  I knew what she was getting at. She’d been asking me to pick her up on my bike for weeks. I never took her to school on the bike, because she claimed she didn’t want helmet hair all day, but she loved for me to pick her up after school when it no longer mattered. “I’ll try to pick you up at the end of the week.”

  “Thanks. Maybe Danny will see me then.” She wagged her brows at me and smiled. She was as boy crazy as her mother.

  “You’re too young to have a boyfriend, Tani.” I felt sorry for the little punk who’d want to date my daughter at sixteen, much less six.

  “He’s not a boyfriend, Daddy. He’s a boy in my class and he pushed me yesterday and I told him you were going to punch his face in.”

  I tried not to smile, but my lips betrayed me. “You can’t go around threatening people, and you know I can’t hit a kid. They’d lock me up and for that, then would make you breakfast that way you like it?”

  “I know that. I only want you to scare him a little. Do you think Uncle Monk could come too? I told Danny you were in a gang.” She dipped her toast in her oatmeal and took a bite.

  I nearly spit out my coffee. “You shouldn’t lie, Tani.”

  She let out a little sigh and rested her chin in her palm. “Then can I hit him?”

  Part of me wanted to say, hell yeah, but I knew that wasn’t the answer, even though the little shit probably deserved that and worse. “I can’t give you permission to hit anyone, but I’ll make a deal with you. You tell your teacher if it happens again, and if he does it one more time after, you sock him right in the stomach.” I balled up my fist and she smiled. “And when you get in trouble, I’ll go talk to your teacher.”

  “So will you and Monk still come on Friday?”

  “I’ll try my best, but I can’t promise for Monk.” She smiled at my answer and gave me a fist bump.


  Thirty minutes, after I dropped her off at school. I stopped back off at home for my bike and drove into work. When I arrived, I found that Monk had beaten me in. “You’re here early.”

  “Yeah, I figured I’d get the coffee brewing.” He poured himself a cup and turned to lean against the counter in our break area. “The place next door was open. They have donuts.”

  He held up a classic glazed and took a bite while offering me one from a pink box. I shook my head. “I didn’t know they were opening so soon. I’m not sure if they are going to like us much with our noise and the shady looking fuckers that hang around. I hope not because the sooner they leave the better.”

  “She didn’t seem to mind me and I’m a shady looking fucker myself. Besides, we eat like anyone else.”

  “She? You mean the owner?”

  “Hell yeah, you should see the body on that one. She’s bangin’.” He gulped his coffee to wash down his bite. “Beautiful too.”

  I thought about the sexy woman who was washing the windows compared to the one I’d seen out back. Both were pretty women, but only one was what I’d consider banging - with a big rack. I gave him a sideways glance and went to the window as if she’d still be there washing in my fantasized bikini.

  “She said her name was Sarah, like the shop’s sign. You should go on over and say hello.”

  Sarah. “I’ve got enough problems with the women in my life. Tani wants to me scare some punk named Danny, Heather was around again on Friday, and I don’t have to remind you of Satan’s twin, Nancy and her trick of the week.” I walked out to the shop and he followed. I had left the mess of tools scattered on the floor from Heather’s little fit, so I went to work putting things back in their place.

  “Your temper must have gotten pretty bad to make such a mess.” Monk leaned over and picked up a wrench.

  “You mean Heather’s. She doesn’t take rejection well.” His hand came up to my forehead – as if to check my temperature. He was a damned comedian, and a good one.

  “Were you ill, man? You actually turned her down?” He knew all about mine and Heather’s association and even had the misfortune of walking in on us once.

  “She’s got to stop coming around.”

  “So, go say hello to sweet Sarah next door. Maybe she’ll run her off for you.” His eyes met mine with a challenging glare. “I dare you.”

  “I would like to meet a nice girl for a change. Someone Tani could meet, even.” I took one last swig of my coffee and headed to the door. I also never lost a dare in my life and I wasn’t about to let this be the first. “Challenge accepted.”

  I pulled the door closed behind me and stopped to see what was going on over at the bakery. I walked over and looked up at the sign on the front window I’d seen her washing. Sarah’s Sweet Shoppe.

  The bells on the door chimed as I walked in and Sarah was busy bent over behind the counter serving some old timer an eyeful of cleavage with his order. I cleared my throat and the old man looked away as if waking from a trance.

  “I’ll be with you in a moment, sir.” The tag on her shirt confirmed that she was indeed Sarah and my cock even stood up a little to say hello.

  “No rush.” We exchanged smiles and she rang up the old man, who wished us both good day and hurried o

  The place was decked out in pink and black and the front counter was filled with trays of the prettiest pastries I’d ever seen. Atop the counter were several different pies under glass domes and there was a large section of cookies and cakes. Tani would love it. I made a mental note to bring her by sometime.

  “What can I get for you?” She leaned against the counter and I took a moment to slide my gaze downward. She was wearing a pink, fitted top and tight, black jeans that matched the rest of her theme. Across her front her shirt read: Sarah’s Sweet Shoppe, the sweetest spot in town.

  I couldn’t help but wonder what Sarah’s sweet spot was like and with any luck she’d let me find out. “I’ll have a slice of apple pie.”

  She smiled up at me with her big brown eyes sparkling. “I was wondering who would be the first to try my pie.” As I let that comment sink in, she pulled off the dome and took the pie to another counter. “For here or to go?”

  I glanced over to the empty tables and decided to stick around a minute while she was alone. “Here’s fine. I actually wanted to come introduce myself. I’m Hunter Miller. I own the shop next door.” I nodded toward my place as she slid the pie onto a plate and grabbed a fork.

  “Oh…hi Hunter. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Sarah Tillerman. Would you like a free cup of coffee? It’s my opening week special.” I nodded and she grabbed a cup and served me. After I paid and settled into one of the dainty chairs at her little round tables, she came around and glanced out the front window.

  I took a bite of the pie and made a sound of approval. “This is some good pie.” I was really impressed.

  “Thank you. It’s my grandmother’s recipe. She won awards for it at the South Texas State Fair years ago, back when they still had competitions for baking.”

  “I bet she’s proud of you.”

  “She’s gone now, but I like to think so. You own the motorcycle shop? I met one of your employees earlier. He said his name was Monk?” She gave me a sideward look as if she weren’t so sure about the name.

  “Yeah, he’s my only employee right now and we stay pretty busy. I’m sure you’ll get an overflow of hungry bikers popping in pretty often.” I thought again about my expansion project and tried not to sound so bitter.

  A noise rang out from the kitchen and she hurried around the counter. The buzzer kept going off and finally it stopped but I heard her curse and the sound of metal crashing to the floor. It was loud enough to make me worry and I hurried around her counter and to the back.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, but my oven’s falling apart.” Her brows were furrowed and she held what appeared to be the handle to the oven door in her hand.


  I stood there feeling like an idiot with my oven door handle in my hand, trying hard not to burst into tears. At least there wasn’t anything inside and I didn’t have to pry the thing open from the top.

  As if things couldn’t get any worse, my hot next door neighbor was there to witness the whole thing. As if I wasn’t already sweating bullets from all the pressure of my grand opening, his deep gaze on me this whole time had my cheeks blazing. He had the

  Next, I heard my damned front door bells chimed out as three new customers came piling in. I’d had no time to fix anything just yet and regretted buying third generation ovens from the used supply store.

  I hurried out to tend to my customers leaving Hunter Miller standing in my kitchen and by the time I rang up the last person’s order, he was gone. I could only imagine he thought I was a complete loser. It was better this way. It wasn’t like I had time for another bad boy in my life. The minute he walked in my heart had been racing and my head had been telling me ‘no’.

  He was tall with broad shoulders and the kind of muscles men get from hard work and sweat. His eyes were a piercing blue. I’d noticed them right away because they were so stunning that anyone would be captivated by them. Maybe it was the way they contrasted off his dark hair and beard which were both trimmed short.

  He was just the kind I fell for, so I breathed a sigh of relief that he was gone.

  A moment later, when I’d gone back into the kitchen to try and figure out my oven issues, I heard the bells chime and wondered for a moment if I should think of a better warning system. I walked out to find Hunter standing on the other side of the counter with a tool box in hand.

  He shifted on his feet and held up the red metal box. “I thought I could lend a hand with that door. It should be an easy fix.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “Well, I’m already here and unless you’ve got a tool box disguised as a pie somewhere in here, what are your other options?” His smile was warm and friendly so I let out a long breath and nodded.

  “Sure, I’d appreciate it, as long as it’s no trouble. I would hate to take you from your work.” Surely he had some kind project or repair he was doing next door.

  “Monk can cover the shop for a minute. I told him what’s up.” He walked around the counter and then back into the kitchen where he opened the oven which had now cooled down enough to work on.

  “Are you going to need anything?” I should have been doing more than standing around staring, but I didn’t want to get in his way.

  “Nothing that’s not in this box.” He gestured toward it, seeming more than capable. I wondered what else he could do with his hands - and scolded myself for the thought.

  As he tinkered I watched, not missing a moment of his flexing muscles or the focused expression on his face. And then he opened the box and started work as I went out to wait on my next customer.

  There was a good influx of customers so it was about twenty minutes before I could check on him again. When I returned he was opening and closing the oven to see his handiwork.

  “You’re already done?” The door looked good as new or at least as good as used, like I’d bought it. I was beyond impressed. Again, the thought of what else he could do with his broad hands overcame me.

  Don’t be stupid, Sarah. Screw your next door neighbor and you’ll definitely screw things up for yourself.

  He turned, flashing me a smile as he bent down to close his toolbox. “I told you it was an easy fix. I had to take off the front panel, but it’s all back in place, even tighter than before.”

  “It’s such a relief. Every time I get one thing done, something else falls apart.” I’d made it through the weekend with the inspector and that was after the busiest Saturday of my life. Luckily I knew how to bake in bulk.

  He laughed and the sound was sexy too.

  Damn this man.

  He was delicious.

  Then he stepped forward and brushed my cheek. For a moment, my heart stopped. “You had a little powdered sugar there, sorry.”

  “Oh, yeah I’m always covered in powdered sugar, batter, or something sticky.” I realized how suggestive that was and felt my cheeks flush. “It’s a messy job.”

  “I bet.” He gave me a wink. “I was wondering, I have a few things to do today and tomorrow, but maybe you’d like to go out after work one day and have a drink, say. . . Wednesday?”

  The invitation caught me by surprise and though my hormones where saying yes, I had to refuse. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” I hated turning him down considering he’d fixed my oven, but if he did it on the chance I’d say yes, he wasted his own time.

  “Are you in a relationship?” Apparently, he didn’t seem to think it possible someone might not want to date him for any other reason.

  Sexy and that confidence. I’ll really have to keep my distance from this one.

  “Well, no actually. Not for some time now and I don’t want one.” The look on his face, the way his brows turned quizzical told me that he wasn’t either and he might think I’m jumping to major conclusions.

  He shrugged. “Had to try, but hey, the offer stands, if you decide otherwise.”

  The sentiment was friendly and genuine so I hated to be so short with
him. “I appreciate that and I’ll keep it in mind. It was nice to meet you and I appreciate your help.” He gave me another reassuring grin and then headed out; the abruptness of his leaving had me wondering if I’d been rude.

  It wasn’t like he could just waltz in and fix something and earn my time, though there wasn’t anyone else wanting to spend time with me. Angie had her own life with Barney, and even if she could ditch him to make time for the two of us, her companionship wasn’t comparable.

  As I watched him go I took a deep, calming breath. He’d gotten me so worked up and I knew it was time to shake him off and go back to work, but it was hard. I kept imagining what it would be like to kiss him or better yet, be beneath him or on top of him.

  Geez woman. Stop it right now Sarah.

  He’s a bad idea, and at one point in my life I liked bad ideas. I lived for them. I enjoyed getting into trouble and having no worries. Now, I knew where that would leave me: Heart broken and broke. Not again.

  I waited on my next customer and felt good knowing that the day had seemed successful with many of my new customers happy that I was open.

  I knew every time I opened that oven I was going to see those eyes of his. He seemed like a nice guy, totally my type, but that was the problem. I kept reminding myself of my promise and why I’d made it.

  That type was all the same, never wanting to grow up and be responsible. They were only concerned about their toys and I’d come in second to a motorcycle once already. The damned thing had almost ruined me. I’d been so foolish to buy the bike for him, but his own credit hadn’t been good enough. Now I knew why. He’d blamed it on his ex, so I guess he figured he’d pass along the misfortune.

  I had been burned enough times. I was disillusioned by what I thought was love before, and my heart couldn’t take more ache. This was a new chapter for me, and this time I wouldn’t let myself fall hard for someone until I knew who they really were.

  There was one final thought that entered my mind as I whipped down the counters - could I have the best of both worlds and avoid getting into a relationship with someone and still enjoy their physical company?