CUFF ME Daddy: A Single Dad, Police Officer Romance Read online
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“I think I’m going to come,” she blurted. The words fell so fast from her lips they were but a breath and then she shuddered beneath me, her channel pulsing around my cock as she moaned loudly. She bucked her hips and I met each motion with a steady rhythm, building up my own release as I rode her through hers; not just one, but two. Her toes were curled and her eyes had all but crossed before she stilled, going limp beneath me. I hiked up her hips and gripped her ass, pounding into her. I wanted to flip her over and take her tight ass, but she’d never handle it, besides, I had plans for my load’s final destination and that would be much easier to achieve in this position.
I lifted her up and carried her to the edge of the bed, never leaving her depths. She bucked against me, holding onto my neck for dear life until I pulled out and deposited her on her ass. My cock found her mouth and held her head, fucking her pretty mouth until I felt my load ready for her. It spurted out in thick ropes, splashing against the back of her throat and she gulped, gagging on the wad as I relentlessly pumped and poured.
My cum rolled down her chin, and she was moaning for mercy before I stilled and pulled away. She gasped, her tits heaving as drops fell to them. She made quick work of wiping it up and then she collapsed to the bed behind her.
“That was hot. You’re a dirty girl.” I gave her a peck on the lips and offered her a smile.
She lay there watching as I gathered my clothes. “Could we do this again sometime?”
I hid my knowing smile as I pulled up my pants. “I’ll call you,” I said, knowing fully well that would never happen. I couldn’t have her hanging around, especially when I had a kid at home to worry about.
I was dressed long before she was, but I showed her to her car and was careful that no one else had seen us. She started her car and as she drove out of the hotel garage with one headlight, I shook my head.
Some people never learn.
Getting a call that the chief wants to see you a few hours into a shift was never a good thing, but I had a plan in place for my daughter and I and so I was anxious to get back to the station and see what he had in store. I turned my car around and headed back across the city hoping to beat the midday rush. Rumor had it there was a new case building, and a few of the boys were hoping to land a bit of undercover work.
The chances of me landing it were slim, and if by some fuckin’ miracle I did, I’d have to take a lot of heat from seniority. It was less than six months since we moved into town, and being the ‘new guy’ in a big unit was not easy. I had to do what it took to make a better life for Livvy, even if it meant the cold shoulder from a few of my peers. Besides, what others thought about me wasn’t my damn problem. At least my end game wouldn’t rattle them too much. There weren’t many men in my unit chomping at the bit for a desk job, but I was hoping after one or two more tough cases I’d be able to get off the streets - for good.
Her mother had been deemed unfit, and cared more about herself than her daughter, so I’d be damned before I stuck her with two deadbeat care takers.
Atlanta was a tough city to work, and with crime statistics rising daily, I wanted to ensure I’d see my daughter’s sixth birthday. An undercover assignment would be just the perfect notch in my belt to get me closer to my goal.
After getting full custody of Livvy, and several months of trying to do things completely solo, I realized I needed a little help. I’d learned that the hard way, so I put in for my transfer and got it a month later. That’s when I moved us from Dallas to Atlanta - to be closer to my mother. She’d been my rock and done everything to help us, but her one request was that I try to settle down a bit. She didn’t want her only granddaughter to be without any parents. I’d never seen myself sitting behind a desk, but taking a seat was my way of fulfilling that promise I made to mom.
I pulled into the station hoping it wasn’t another paperwork issue left over from my transfer or some trivial issue like a signature or something being misplaced. I’d dealt with that kind of bullshit already and had seen enough office screw-ups to last a lifetime.
The fact that I walked in and no one mentioned the chief looking for me was a good sign. If everybody knew my business, chances were, it didn’t have to do with undercover work. I made my way around the clutter of desks and to the back, where the chief’s office door was closed. His blinds were pulled, so I knocked on the dark wooden door right above the knob.
“Enter,” he called, his voice muffled through the door.
I pushed the door open and found him sitting behind a stack of folders, which he quickly pushed aside, and then he reached across his desk for another folder, this one a bit thicker.
“You wanted to see me, Chief?” I waited for him to gesture to his chair and I took a load off, staying upright, my posture straight to make it clear I was ready for whatever was in store.
“Langston, yes, I’ve got a proposal for you. I know you’d inquired about taking the desk opening down the hall. I read your letter, and I have to say I’m impressed and …well, I’m also sympathetic to your situation with being a single father in this business.”
“Thank you, Sir.” I nodded and continued to listen.
“I’m sure you’ve heard the boys whispering about a new case coming up?”
I gave another nod, not needing to go into detail about who told me what and when. No one liked a damn snitch, even the chief, and per courtesy, he didn’t ask any questions either.
“I know what you’re thinking; you’re the new guy, why should I throw you a bone?”
“Yes Sir, the thought crossed my mind. I wasn’t really expecting any offers.”
“Truth is, my boys around here are a little too … well-known for this one and since it’s a cross-jurisdiction deal, it’s going to be tricky. A few of the local officers have been to the location a time or two and so have some from my own unit. It’s kind of a landmark just outside of the city. Since it deals with some inner city involvement as well, I need a man no one knows, but someone with the right experience. I read in your records that you’ve done quite a bit of solid undercover work back in Dallas.”
“Yeah, I was on a few high-profile cases,” I said
“Well, let me be straight with you. I really can’t take no for an answer - being you’re my only unknown in the unit. Take this one and I’ll make sure you get that position you’re wanting.”
“I appreciate the offer. Since I can’t say no, I guess you can tell me what it’s all about.” We exchanged a smile, and I relaxed in my seat, but not because he’d put me at ease. The chief was asking me to put my neck out for him and we were both in the same boat, having no other option and offering something of true value to the other.
“I got a small timer, Scott Jones, a troubled 27-year-old with a gambling problem. His grandmother owns The Starlight Bar just outside our jurisdiction around the city. He got himself mixed up with a local drug lord, Kingston Mitchell. They call him Kings for short. He’s big timer, done a lot of time, and has made himself scarce since his biggest rival mysteriously disappeared about a year ago. We have reason to believe he’s strong-arming Scott Jones into using the family bar as a hub of sorts. I need you to go to work there and feel it out. One thing you should know about Kings is he’s got a violent streak. He’s as fucked up as they come and what’s worse he’s got eyes and ears everywhere. I have a theory that the sick bastard got out of doing more time behind bars because of his connections inside the system.”
“You don’t have to worry about Kings. I’ve dealt with the likes of his kind in the past. I’ve got just one question. You want me on staff at this bar?”
I thought my bar days had ended with college when I worked as a bartender and bouncer.
“Yeah, the guy who’s been our tip off was a bartender and now wants out, which leaves his job available. He can assure you’re hired. You’ll come well recommended. There’s a sister, Starla Jones. She’s the acting manager, and a single young lady. You will be working closely wi
th her, so it wouldn’t be a bad idea if you exchange some flirtatious jokes here and there to keep things real. Just a thought. Then, of course there’s the owner, Lu Jones. She’s lived down there her whole life, and she’s supposedly a tough cookie. I’ll make sure you get a copy of the case file, and unless you have any questions for now, I’ll let you go home and make arrangements. You know how these things work. This could take a week or a month, maybe two, there’s no guarantee, but we don’t expect things to be too drawn out. The other bartender provided us with enough information that we’re confident to wrap this up sooner than later. I’d make sure your family understands that. ”
“I understand. I’ll do my best to make sure I’m not away too long, but my family will understand. I appreciate it.” Without any small talk, I headed out of his office and across the room earning a few stares on the way. Anytime one of us had been with the chief it was like a kid coming out of the principal’s office. They were gauging your demeanor and if you’d gotten a swat on the wrist or praise. I didn’t know many of them well enough for them to ask, and the few I’d connected with had more to do than stand around at the station all day.
I grabbed my keys and headed out to my car, prepping myself for the difficult conversations ahead with my girls. I’d have to break the news to mom and let her know I’d be gone for a while, and then I’d have to go pick up Livvy and break the news to her.
Livvy would be excited for me to pick her up from school instead of my mom, but I’d have to spoil things with bad news. That was the worst part. My baby girl knew just how to get me to my core like no one else could. She was my weakness and my strength all at the same time. I’d have to find the right way to explain to her that this was the key to getting my new job, and while it would be hard for a while, the payoff would be better in the end.
I drove across town to my mother’s house, and she was shocked to see me so early.
“Don’t tell me someone already took a shot at you.” She’d had to hear that one too many times in the past and I couldn’t blame her for being a bit panicked from an early arrival. But early was better than late any day.
“No, but it’s not good news. Not the worst, but well, let’s sit down and talk.” I walked in and took a seat across from her favorite chair. She had little lace doilies on each arm and a quilt she and Livvy had made with their handprints folded across the back.
She lowered herself to the chair and took a deep breath. “You’re taking another undercover job aren’t you?”
“I have no choice this time, Mom. I’ll be gone for at least a few weeks up to a few months. But I have good news. Chief assured me I’d have the low key desk job if I can pull this off. He didn’t have to sweeten the pot, but he knows my situation.”
Her jaw stiffened as she looked away.
“Yeah, so if this doesn’t kill you, you’ll have a better job. That’s not much of a comfort, son. After you took full custody from Rebecca, I was more than happy to take responsibility to help you raise Livvy. She needs a good influence in her life after that mother of hers neglected her. However, she needs you in her life now more than ever. Promise me this is the last time, and if you don’t get that promotion, you’ll find other work.”
My mother had been a witness to everything that had taken place since Livvy was born, and was as happy as I was when I was finally granted full custody.
Rebecca and I had separated one month after Livvy’s third birthday. She’d resented that I didn’t earn a good enough living for the lifestyle she desired. I’d done everything I could to make things work, for Livvy’s sake, but I eventually realized that working in the police force was where I belonged. I couldn’t change myself for anyone. Eventually Rebecca broke things off between us and she was granted custody of Livvy during the weekdays, leaving me two lousy days in the week. Those were the hardest couple of years of my life.
Eventually Rebecca went from failed relationship to failed relationship, leaving Livvy in an unstable environment and leaving me at the end of my fucking wits. Time passed and there were incidents involving the police, due to Rebecca’s wild fights with her boyfriend at the time and one in particular when the police discovered cocaine in their home. It turned out Rebecca picked up the nasty habit from the asshole she was dating and they were both trying desperately to cover it up from the rest of the world. Her boyfriend went to jail for six months and I was granted full custody. I cursed myself for not realizing the truth and letting my baby girl live in that household.
“I suppose you’re going to pick up Livvy today. Fair warning, it’s ice cream day. I promised her a parfait and a trip to the park.” Mom gave me the side eye.
“I’m on it.” At least I’d have the buffer of ice cream day to help me through this one, and with any luck, my little girl would be so happy about that she wouldn’t worry about her old man.
Yeah, that’s wishful thinking at its best.
I hadn’t grown out my facial hair in years, but luckily in the week I had to prepare my look for the undercover work, I’d grown out a nice, even, short-trimmed beard. My hair was already a bit long on top, so I left it a little messier than usual, brushing it back away from my face with a little product to make it look a bit grungy. I didn’t want to look like a slob, but far from the buttoned-up man in uniform that I was for work. I stood back and brushed down my plaid shirt that I hadn’t bothered to iron.
I could get used to this.
I heard the shuffling of little feet on the hardwood, getting louder as she approached and a moment later Livvy leaned against the door jamb, her hand on her chin like she was forming a critical opinion of her old man’s new look.
“You’re messy, Daddy, and your shirt’s wrinkled.” Her ponytail flopped to the side as she turned her head and looked down at my boots. “At least your boots are still shiny.”
I glanced down and realized my boots were a bit newer looking than they should be, but they’d have to do.
“Are you going to work, today?” She pushed past me and climbed up on the little stool I kept for her and then she held onto my arm as she turned and sat next to the sink. She grabbed her toothbrush and the tube of paste and smeared her brush as I thought of how many mornings I’d miss out on her routine. I’d gotten used to enjoying our time together each day after the custody battle. I couldn’t wait for the day when we could finally live a normal life together.
“I told you I’ve got to go to work for a while. I won’t be able to come home, but Nana is going to take good care of you, and when I get back, I’ll have a lot more time for the two of us to hang out. While I’m away, we will have plenty of phone calls and face time sessions. I promise.”
She spit in the sink and then rinsed her mouth. Then she climbed down as if she didn’t have anything to say. Just when I thought she was going to leave without saying goodbye, she took my hand and led me to the kitchen where mom waited cleaning up the breakfast dishes.
“Will you take me to school?” My heart turned to stone as I looked into her big blue eyes. I hated to tell her no.
I glanced up at my mother for help, and she walked over and grabbed her keys. “I’ve got to take you this morning, sweet pea. Daddy’s got to head out when we do, or he’s going to be late.”
Livvy’s shoulders sagged as if the wind had been knocked out of her. “Fine.” She turned her feet in and swayed back and forth. “Give me my mooches, please. I want extra ones.” Her tone told me she was less than enthused.
I knelt down and took her hands. “I need a big smile if you want your mooches.” We’d always called our kisses mooches instead of smooches, and I always planted them right on her dimples. She flashed a big, toothy grin as I assaulted her with sloppy kisses. She tried not to giggle, but I always got her on the last one, when I’d blow against her cheek and make a tooting noise.
Her laughter was the best and it made it even harder to say goodbye, but I promised I’d call her and check on her and I already had my cover story in
place for that.
I headed out minutes after she’d gone and then I drove out to the motel room where I’d be staying. While driving, I thanked my lucky stars for my mother. She was the only person in the world I’d felt 150% comfortable with watching after my little girl.
The room I had was clean and in a good location from the bar, not too close, and not too far away. If anyone found out where I was staying, it wouldn’t be a problem. I had a cover story in place for anything that came my way.
I dropped my things by the room and checked the time. Assuming I found the place without any issues, I’d be there when expected.
I found The Starlight Bar, a larger than expected, quaint bar that looked like it was long overdue for a makeover. The large crescent moon sign that spelled out its name was surrounded by bright shining stars. I pulled up and parked next to an HVAC company van, noticing there was an old house next door to the right. I’d deducted that it was Lu’s home, which the chief informed me was next-door to the bar.
As expected, I was on time with only three minutes to spare, so I hurried in and found an elderly woman waiting. She was about five three with a round face and white hair that she’d piled high on her head. She turned around when I walked in with a squeaking door.
“You must be Cash. Come on in and take a seat.” She fanned her face and kicked out a chair as I approached. The air was thicker in the place, accentuating the smell of stale beer and cigarettes.
“You must be Mrs. Jones.” I held out a hand, but she frowned.
“Mrs. Jones was my mother, hon. I’m Lu.” She took my hand as I lowered myself down to the chair beside her and gave it a squeeze.
“Good to meet you, Lu.”
“What’s a pretty man like you doin’ wanting to work as a barkeep?” She looked down her nose, but she wasn’t being rude. She seemed to be sizing me up, or rather, checking me out. Her smile widened, and her brows wagged a little.