CUFF ME Daddy: A Single Dad, Police Officer Romance Read online
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This little lady sure is a firecracker.
The heat flared in my cheeks, and I was a bit taken aback. I’d never been hit on by an old lady before, but she seemed like she was full of surprises. “I’m looking to get back on my feet after a failed relationship, so now I’m looking for a change of pace, a fresh start.” She nodded, so I kept talking. “I’ve been a bartender in the past, and actually worked as a bouncer too, so I’m used to the atmosphere and can diffuse any situation and mix any drink.”
“You sound too good to be true. Let me show you around and introduce you to my granddaughter. She’s in the back. We’ve got a little test we’d like you to take to make sure you know your stuff.”
Lu then stood up but only took one step when she suddenly grabbed for the table and hit the floor.
I immediately transitioned to alert mood, without any hesitation. Years of training on the force made it easy for me to take action when needed. I rushed around and knelt by her side, checking her for any injuries she might have gotten on the way down. She was only out a moment, but as she came to, I had already checked her vitals and was feeling for her pulse. “Hey, a little help out here!” I yelled across the room remembering she’d said her granddaughter was in the back.
I turned my attention back to Lu who was blinking slowly and trying to sit up. “Just lie back,” I said, keeping a hand on her shoulder. I heard footsteps and looked up, and my breath hitched, my words sticking in my throat as time stood still. That very moment, I saw the hottest girl I’d laid my eyes on as she rushed toward us.
Was Lu’s idea of a test to see if I could manage a second around her granddaughter? It was a wonder how a girl like her even survived working in a bar filled with drunken lonely men.
Her hair was the darkest chestnut, rich and thick, long enough to accentuate the perfect curves of her body as she dropped down beside us. Her wide, incredible blue eyes met mine with so much concern, they sparkled with tears. They were so icy blue they didn’t seem real.
“Lu! What happened?” She took the woman’s hand, and Lu waved her back, her voice slurring as she tried to calm the girl.
“It’s probably just my blood sugar again.”
“It’s most likely your blood pressure dropping from standing too quickly. It can make you a little light headed,” I told her.
I tried to stay focused on Lu, but I couldn’t keep my eyes off of the girl.
“This is my granddaughter, Starla. Starla, this is Cash, our new bartender.” Lu closed her eyes and took deep, deliberate breaths and tried to sit up.
“Take it easy, Lu. Should I call an ambulance?” Starla then focused her eyes on mine, as if I knew what to do next.
“I don’t know if she needs an ambulance, but I’d still take her into the doctor and have her checked out,” I said.
“Do you think you can get her to the truck?”
Quite honestly sweetheart, I’d do anything you damn well ask me.
“I don’t need to go to the hospital. I need to go home and lie down, and I need this damned air conditioner fixed by opening tomorrow.” Lu was finally able to sit up. Both Starla and I helped her to her feet.
We carried her out, and I helped her into an old truck that had to have been a mean machine in its day. She lifted her hand and placed it on my cheek. “Be here tonight when we open.”
I glanced around to see Starla explaining to the AC repairman what was going on as Lu settled back against the seat. “So that’s it? I’ve got the job? Do you still need me to take that bartending test?” I waited until she pulled her feet in and shut the door to the beat up old truck.
“No need. You’re strong and quick on your feet, and that’s good enough for me at the moment.”
Starla had caught the end of our conversation as she climbed in the driver’s seat. “We open at five. I hope that’s not too early for you to be back.”
Her voice was as sexy as she was, if that was even possible. I nodded, totally lost in thoughts of how I’d like to taste her.
“I’ll be here,” I said as she threw the car in reverse.
With bells on.
“You’ve had a quite a day, Lu, would you please stay put and rest a bit, if not for yours then for my own peace of mind?” The old woman was going to run herself into the grave if she didn’t learn to take it easy, but she was the most stubborn woman I’d ever met.
The only other person who could beat her bullheadedness was Scott, and he was still a no-show. I was unable to reach him all day and the night before, and it being a Friday night, who knew if I’d even see him through the weekend. I was beginning to accept that being worried sick about him was my new norm.
At least the AC man had gotten things squared away and assured me that the place would be cooled off before we opened. He’d left while we were gone to the doctor, but was supposed to return later for his pay and a free drink on the house.
“Don’t get your panties in a twist. I’m fine, but I’ll stay put, for a little while.” She picked up her remote control for the television and turned on a talk show.
“Now don’t come over the bar tonight. There’s no need.” I knew I couldn’t stress that enough, but she’d never listen.
“You know I like to keep an eye on all the new hires, so you’ll be sure to watch out for Cash.” She turned her head and gave me a sly smile. “I’m sure he’ll be watching you.”
“What’s that mean?” I brought her some juice from the fridge and a box of crackers.
“I saw the way you two noticed each other. You thought I wasn’t paying attention, but I could tell. The man jumped into action until you showed up, then one look and all of his senses went right out the window. The man was certainly smitten. ”
“That’s crazy. He was more concerned with you.”
She gave a loud cackle.
“Are you trying to tell me that you didn’t notice him? Honey, I’m sixty-four years old with poor eyesight, and even I could tell that man’s a hunk of prime beef. I saw your face. Just make sure he can pour. I don’t need anyone wasting my liquor.”
“I noticed, okay, but it doesn’t mean anything. I’ve seen a hundred pretty faces, and they haven’t done a thing for me. Besides, for all you know, he could have a girlfriend.” I leaned against the chair as she flipped through channels.
“I know more than you think. He’s starting over from a failed relationship, so unless he’s already found someone else, you’re in luck.” She placed the remote on the table and opened her crackers.
I headed for the door, but stopped and looked over my shoulder. “Then he probably isn’t ready for anything new. I’ll check on you later.”
Before she could go on about Cash, I stepped out onto the porch and headed down the steps and across the yard to the bar. I unlocked the door, and sure enough, it was nice and cool inside. I internally thanked the soul who invented air conditioning and proceeded on with my routine.
I started prepping for the night: cutting lemons, filling napkins, straws, and stir sticks, and making sure everything was running smoothly, the music, the taps, and all of our special lighting. I had done the same since I was a kid and once I was finished up there, I went into the bathrooms to make sure they’d been cleaned properly the night before and that there was plenty of toilet paper and hand towel rolls and that there wasn’t any garbage missed. This certainly wasn’t a glamorous job and not where I saw myself down the years, but I took pride in my work and had standards for it. Lu taught me the value of hard work, and I knew it was something I would take with me in life.
When I came out, I heard the door squeak as Tammy and Penny arrived. They called out their usual hellos and hurried off to their duties. I wondered if my brother would make an appearance and if Cash would be on time. I wanted to ask him how he felt about bouncing or at least keeping his eyes out. I knew it would be a lot to ask of someone new applying for a bartender position, but with things going
the way they had lately, with three scuffles in the past month, we surely needed the help.
Not ten minutes later, Cash arrived, walking through the door with an eager smile and looking like he’d gone home and taken a nap in his wrinkled shirt. Somehow he made it look sexy. Disheveled Chic. I’d never been one for a man who looked like he’d taken more time to get ready than me. I’d wondered why his last relationship was a fail. Surely it didn’t have to do with his looks.
His heavy green eyes brightened when he saw me, and his perfect full lips parted, making me wonder what it would be like to kiss them. He looked like he knew how to hold onto a woman like me with this strong arms and broad shoulders and just for a moment I wondered what it would be like to be beneath him, panting and calling his name. A warm heat licked my core but I snapped out of my daydream as he rushed right over to the bar in his faded jeans and a shirt that was tight in all the right places.
I knew if I wasn’t careful I could get lost in him. I couldn’t let that happen. I had so much else to worry about with Scott’s antics and now Lu’s health. Between the bar and all that, I hadn’t ever dated much.
He slapped his palms on the bar as if to get my attention. “I thought I’d get here a bit early to check on Lu and see if there’s anything I could help you with.”
His voice was smooth and sexy as well as deep. I thought a moment about how he’d sound commanding me and a soft heat crept over me. I shook off the thought. There wasn’t any bum air conditioning to blame my sweat on.
“Thanks. Lu’s fine. It was her blood sugar. She’s flirting with disaster. I’ve tried to warn her that she’s not a kid, but, in case you didn’t notice, she’s a real pistol.”
He gave me a knowing smile, and it made me laugh.
“She seems tough. I like it.” He joined me at the sink where I washed my hands and He lathered his up right beside me.
Follow me.” I went to the office to dig around for an extra name badge and time card which I fixed for him while he watched.
“I appreciate the opportunity.” He seemed to be struggling to make conversation, and I decided to break the ice a bit.
“So you worked as a bartender before?” I scribbled his name on the time sheet and then gathered up some paperwork.
“I have, but it’s been a few years. I was in college and needed extra money. I didn’t think I’d be back at this for sure.” He raked his hand through his hair and shifted on his feet.
“It’s an honest occupation. It’s been a blessing for my family to be in the bar business. Lu swears it saved her life.”
“I didn’t mean any disrespect.” His eyes widened, and he looked away like I’d suddenly sprouted a new head.
“It’s cool. So do you remember everything?” I passed him the stack of papers and his tag which hung from a lanyard.
“I do,” he said hanging the tag around his neck. “And I can handle anything new that comes my way.”
I let my gaze slide over his broad chest and muscular arms. I wondered how much time he spent in a gym or if they had been earned through hard work, but instead, I decided I was headed into dangerous territory again.
“I sure bet you could.”
He bit his bottom lip pulling it in like he’d just bitten a peach. “Try me sometime.”
Oh, I’d love to.
“So do you like to get rough?” I figured I could have a little fun and I loved the smoldering look on his face.
“Depends on what you mean?” His brow lifted.
“Do you mind confrontation? Get in fights?”
“I can hold my own.” His smile widened a bit. “Do you like to play rough?”
I turned my head and shook a finger at him. He was clever this one. “I can hold my own too.”
After a moment of eye-fucking him I figured it was time to get to my point. “How are you when it comes to security?”
His brows lifted a touch, and he shrugged.
“I’m good with it, in fact, I let Lu know that I had some experience. I don’t mind keeping an eye out.”
His eyes drifted down and then back up as if he was checking me out too, and he wasn’t discreet about it.
“That would be great.” I heard the door creak and I glanced out through the office door to a few of the local regulars that came in. I nodded to their direction. “There go your first customers. So let’s see what you’ve got hotshot.”
He eyed the three men who came in and took a seat at the closest table to the bar. “Those are easy to spot, beer drinkers.” He headed out as Penny took their order and a moment later Cash joined her, standing behind the bar. He filled one of the orders, a light draft with salt, and then two other darks.
So far so good. I stayed in the office a while longer and stared out front at Cash. He was getting back into the swing of things from what I could tell.
He seemed to remember everything and, even more importantly, the patrons were really enjoying having someone else to get to know.
As he smiled across the room at me, my cheeks warmed up and I realized I also wanted to get to know him myself.
This could be trouble.
It’s amazing how things can come back, even with a gap of several years. Turns out, being a bartender was a lot like riding a fucking bike. I immediately felt confident and in my element, though confidence had always been easy for me.
Starla came out of the office and approached the bar. “You’re really moving. I wasn’t sure you’d be able to keep up once things picked up, but you sure showed me.”
“I’m pleased you noticed.” I had told myself that I wouldn’t flirt too hard with her, but she was so beautiful and sexy, that it made it a real challenge. I also remembered the chief’s nudge at throwing in some flirtatious messages here and there to keep things real, so that eased my tension about losing focus on the mission at hand.
She gave me a warm smile, but as her cheeks reddened, she turned away. Her cheeks had a warm glow all evening and I had a feeling this girl was easily shaken. I wondered if she could tell how much I was into her. The thought had my blood flowing, and it wasn’t to my cheeks.
Starla was the kind of woman any man could fall hard for, natural beauty, voluptuous curves, and a warm smile. It was enough to start with, and I was happy to learn more. I loved her eyes, especially when they were on me, which I’d noticed was quite often. I’d caught her checking me out, and I had surely returned the effort.
My train of thought on Starla was interrupted when I heard some loud noise from the floor from a scuffle, and Starla ran over as I headed around the bar. The men were worked up and about to fight, and I couldn’t help noticing Starla’s size in comparison to the muscled-up meatheads. The fact that she could have been left there alone to handle such a thing pulled at me. I muscled my way between the two about the time one of them shoved Starla away. That got my temper flaring, and I sprang into action, pinning the man to the ground, and it took all I had not to say, ‘Atlanta PD, ASSHOLE’.
The two men were both a good two hundred and fifty pounds, and that wasn’t because they were athletic. The one on the ground fell like a sack of potatoes. He’d been the mouthiest, but from this position, he kept his mouth shut, even after I stood him up and led him out. The other one went back to his table and didn’t stay much longer.
“That could have gotten ugly fast.” Starla straightened her shirt and glared toward the door.
“It’s always worse on the full moon,” I said. The same had been said for police and paramedics too. Full moons always dragged out the crazies, and it seemed tonight was no different. Some of the most interesting nights on the force had been during full moons, and it was the kind of thing that kept us in stories for the water cooler.
“I hadn’t realized it was full tonight, but that makes sense. Lu has always said the same thing.” She walked across the room, and I stayed on her heels watching her ass before taking my place back behind the bar. “I wish my deadbeat brother would
come in and then he’d see why he’s needed.”
“No offense, but what is he in to? I mean what could be more important than his family and making a living?” I thought maybe she would open up.
She blew out a long breath. “I don’t know, but I know enough to say it’s not good.” She took a bar mop and wiped the countertop and then she reached for an empty bottle and tossed it into the waste bin.
“Do you think I’ll get to meet him anytime soon?” I hoped so. The longer I waited to meet him, the longer I’d be away from Lizzy. My stomach ached thinking about her. I hadn’t been away from her too long since the custody dispute.
“You will soon enough, trust me; you’re not missing anything.”
Except I am.
“He spends more time here after hours than he does during.”
I laughed it off and continued making drinks as the next wave of patrons came through. Starla surprised me when she grabbed a waist apron and tablet and took on the role of waitress, and then she even worked the bar for a spell. Anything to keep us caught up and the customers happy. I respected the hell out of that, knowing with her grand mother gone, she could have easily sat on her ass and barked orders.
As the night went on, she seemed to get more and more frustrated though, and after another fight broke out, she ducked into the back room after I’d escorted them out. Things were slowing down, so I peeked in to see if she was okay.
I found her leaned against some cases of beer, her expression grim and her mouth set to the side as if she were lost in deep thought.
“Are you okay?” I walked across the room to stand right in front of her, but she kept her eyes down. That was probably a good thing. Her eyes could be very distracting.
“It’s everything. I’m starting to worry about someone close to me, and I’m not sure I can deal with much more of this stress. Lu only gives me so much pull and some nights I feel like a hamster spinning on a wheel while everyone around me is moving at a different pace.” She scrubbed her face with her palms and smeared her black liner up the outer corners of her eyes. I hadn’t even noticed she’d had any on. As far as I was concerned she didn’t need to wear any makeup anyway.